EN 12101-2消防排烟排热系统CE认证标准-适用范围
EN 12101-2 this European Standard applies to natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (SHEVS) operating as part of smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (SHEVS), places on the market. This standard specifies requirements and gives test methods for natural smoke and hest exhaust ventilators which are intended to be installed in smoke and heat control systems in buildings.

EN 12101-2消防排烟排热系统CE认证体系
EN 12101-2消防排烟排热系统CE认证根据体系1(AVCP System 1)来进行测试认证。排烟排热窗CE认证需要由欧盟公告号实验室测试及认证。